CBD, Hemp

All you need to know about the entourage effect of hemp

three hands that join together to represent the surrounding effect of cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes

Le hemp is renowned for its exceptional virtues, its ancestral use, its fibres and seeds, as well as its therapeutic benefits. It is rich in more than 500 chemical compounds such as cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids, which together contribute to what is known as theentourage effect.

We'll be taking a closer look at the entourage effect, analysing the compounds in hemp, how they interact and their health benefits. You will also discover how to select hemp-based products that maximise this effect, depending on your personal objectives.

The entourage effect, the synergy that does us good

The entourage effect is a synergy where the components of hemp reinforce each other to potentiate their effects. The CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are the best known, but they coexist with more than a hundred other cannabinoids that have different influences. In addition, terpenes, which characterise the smell and taste of hemp, also affect the effects of cannabinoids and have their own advantages.

The different compounds in hemp

Hemp is an exceptionally rich plant in chemical compoundswidely recognised for their therapeutic properties. These compounds fall into three main categories: the cannabinoidsthe terpenes and flavonoids. Each group has unique properties and makes a significant contribution to what is known as "the entourage effect ". Let's explore the nature of these substances and their impact on our well-being.


Cannabinoids are substances that interact with the body's endocannabinoid system. This system, which is widespread throughout the body, plays a key role in the regulation of crucial physiological functions such as pain, inflammation, mood, appetite, sleep and memory. Hemp contains more than 100 different cannabinoids, including CBD (cannabidiol) and the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are the best known.

  • Le CBG or cannabigerol, is the 'first' cannabinoid to develop in cannabis, from which the other cannabinoids are derived. It is thought to have soothing and antioxidant properties.
  • Le CBD is recognised for its potential properties anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and neuroprotective. It is non-psychotropicIt does not alter perception or behaviour. It may also reduce the less desirable effects of THC, such as anxiety or paranoia.
  • Le CBNis also known as cannabinol. It is thought to combat inflammation and stimulate the appetite. It is also known to help reduce anxiety and helps to find the sleep by providing a relaxing effect that helps you fall asleep.
  • As for the THCIt is best known for the psychotropic effects associated with cannabis consumption. In addition to its euphoric and relaxing effects, it is said to have analgesic and antiemetic qualities (acts on nausea and vomiting). However, it should be used with caution, as it can cause side-effects such as drowsiness. In BelgiumTHC is authorised in hemp products provided it does not exceed the legal threshold of 0.3 %.

Find out more about Belgian law in our article Legislation on CBD in Belgium.


Terpenes are the compounds responsible for thesmell and taste characteristics of hemp. These aromatic substances don't just arouse our senses; they also play a role in the properties of the plant. antibacterialantifungal and anti-inflammatory agents of the plant. The most commonly found in hemp include myrcene, limonene, pinene and linalool. Terpenes can also influence the activity of cannabinoids by modulating their absorption into the body.


Flavonoids are the plant pigments that give hemp its unique flavour. distinctive colours and aromas. They defend the plant against aggressions such as UV rays, parasites and diseases. In addition to their protective role, these compounds have the following properties antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. The interactions of flavonoids with cannabinoids and terpenes can amplify or vary their effects on the body, enriching their overall impact on health.

The mechanisms of the entourage effect

Let's find out how hemp compounds s, such as cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids, combine to induce theentourage effect. How do these elements interact to modulate and improve the effects of hemp on the body?

The endocannabinoid system

Le endocannabinoid system regulates numerous physiological functions, including pain, inflammation, mood, appetite, sleep and memory. It is made up of cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2), endocannabinoids and enzymes that manage the synthesis and breakdown of these molecules. CB1 receptors are found mainly in the brain and nervous system, while CB2 receptors are found in the immune system and peripheral organs.

Cannabinoids in hemp, such as THC and CBD, bind to these receptors and influence their activity. The THC activates CB1 and CB2 receptors to produce psychotropic and therapeutic effects. Visit CBD, which has a greater affinity for the CB2 receptor than the CB1 receptor, acts as an antagonist, enabling it to regulate the effects of THC by reducing side effects such as anxiety or enhancing therapeutic effects such as analgesia or anti-inflammatory properties.

Interaction with terpenes and flavonoids

The terpenes and flavonoids also play a key role. These compounds can exert their own effects and also modulate those of cannabinoids. For example terpene myrcene can increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, making it easier for THC to enter the brain. The pinene may prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter linked to memory, and potentially lessen the impact of THC on memory. Visit flavonoidss, for their part, often offer antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic benefits, and can modify the effects of cannabinoids by attaching to receptors or changing their bioavailability.1.

The benefits of the entourage effect

Le hemp is rich in compounds which, when combined, give rise to what is known as the entourage effect. But how does this synergy benefit our health and well-being? Let's take a closer look at how the entourage effect can boost the effectiveness of hemp-derived products.

An amplified therapeutic effect

One of the major advantages of the entourage effect lies in its ability to produce a stronger therapeutic response while reducing the quantity of the product required. By acting in concert, the various hemp compounds target different biological systems, broadening their field of action and bioavailability. Take for example CBD and the THCwhich, when combined, offer more significant relief from pain, inflammation, anxiety and nausea. The terpenes and flavonoids also play a crucial role in modulating the absorption and metabolism of cannabinoids to optimise their impact.

Minimisation of side effects

Another significant advantage of the entourage effect is its ability to minimise the undesirable side effects associated with certain components of hemp. In particular THCTHC, famous for its psychotropic effects, can cause tachycardia, dry mouth, drowsiness and even paranoia. Thanks to the entourage effect, it is possible to reduce the dose of THC needed to benefit from its therapeutic virtues, thereby reducing the risk of psychotropic effects. CBD and certain terpenes can also moderate the influence of THC on the brain by influencing the interaction with cannabinoid receptors.

Customised products

The entourage effect opens the door to a extensive personalisation hemp-based products to meet the specific needs of each user. Hemp compounds have a variety of effects, depending on factors such as the strain, the extraction process and the method of consumption. As a result, there is a wide variety of products, each with distinct properties: intensity of action, speed of effect, duration of efficacy, etc. For example full spectrum include all the natural compounds of hemp, including THC, ensuring an optimal entourage effect. Products with broad spectrum exclude THC and provide a moderate entourage effect. As for isolatesThey focus on a single compound, often CBD, and therefore do not benefit from the entourage effect.

How to choose your hemp-based products

If you're looking for the potential benefits of hemp for your health and well-being, understanding how to choose the right product is essential. Making the right choice means knowing the key criteria. Here are some tips to help you choose the right hemp products for your needs.

The quality of hemp

The quality of hemp is paramount. To guarantee the safety and efficacy of your product, give priority to products from organic hempgrown without the use of pesticides or other harmful chemicals. Opt for products made in Belgium or Europe, to ensure that they respect the environment. health standards strict. Find out about the origin, traceability and certifications by consulting the manufacturers' websites or checking laboratory analyses.

The product spectrum

The choice of product spectrum is crucial. There are three types of spectrum: complete, large and isolate. Full-spectrum products contain all the components of hemp, including THC, and maximise the hemp'sentourage effect. Broad-spectrum, THC-free products offer a moderate effect. Isolate products concentrate on a single component, often CBD, with no entourage effect. Your choice will depend on your personal needs and your legal preferences regarding the presence of THC.

Consumption patterns

The method of consumption is another aspect to consider, as it impacts on the effectiveness, speed and persistence of the effect. Options includeingestion, l'inhalationthe vaporisation and thecutaneous application. Each method has its own benefits and limitations.

  • L'ingestion offers a slow, sustained release, but with variable bioavailability.
  • L'inhalation provides an immediate effect, while vaporisation offers optimised absorption but requires special equipment.
  • L'cutaneous application is ideal for a localised effect, although less relevant for overall benefits.


We hope this article has shed some light on the surrounding effect of hempThis fascinating concept stems from the beneficial interaction of the cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids present in the plant. Understanding this effect can be crucial to making the most of the potential benefits of hemp for your health and well-being, whether by increasing therapeutic efficacy, reducing side effects or tailoring products to your specific needs.

You are now in a better position to make informed choices about the hemp-based products best suited to your personal situation, taking into account key criteria such as qualitythe cannabis spectrum and the method of administration.

Explore our range of CBD oils and enjoy all the benefits of hemp right now!

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1 Bioavailability refers to the speed and extent to which the active ingredient passes into the general circulation, reaching the site of action.