Hemp as a fuel

 Le hemp-based fuel is made from the biomass of the plant, which can include the stemsthe leaves and even seeds.

In the 1940s, Henry Ford already saw hemp as a miracle plant. He imagines a hemp car lightweight, durable and environmentally friendly.

Cars need fuel. Ford is also exploring the use of biofuels from hemp, a renewable resource capable of replacing fossil fuels. This biofuel, produced fromhempseed oiloffers a local, eco-friendly alternative. 

What is a biofuel ?

A biofuel is a liquid or gaseous fuel obtained from renewable organic materials derived from biomass. The prefix "bio" emphasises its biological and sustainable origin.

There are currently two types of biofuel:

  • Oils and derivatives, such as vegetable oil fuel and biodiesel, but also animal fats and algae;
  • Alcohol such as bioethanol, from sugars, starch, cellulose or hydrolysed lignin.

Le hemp can be used to produce biofuels because it can contain up to 80% of cellulosethe material used in the ethanol production process.

Growing hemp has a number of advantages environmental benefits

La hemp cultivation requires less water, fertiliser and pesticides than other plants such as maize or soya. It is known and recognised for protecting soils from erosion thanks to its deep roots. Its rapid growth also reduces weed growth. With a life cycle of 5 months, hemp combines sustainability with agronomic efficiency.