
Hemp insulation: a sustainable solution for your home

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Eco-friendly thermal and acoustic insulation with hemp

Are you looking for a method of insulation that is both ecologicalAre you looking for an efficient, affordable solution for your home? Have you consideredinsulation at hemp ? This natural material offers a host of advantages for your home, particularly in terms ofthermal insulation and acousticshealth and well-being, andenvironmental impact positif. Dans cet article, nous allons vous détailler ce que vous devez savoir sur l’isolation en chanvre : ses avantages écologiques, ses performances thermiques et propriétés accoustiquew.

What is hemp and why use it for insulation?

Hemp is a plant belonging to the Cannabaceae, used for thousands of years for its fibrescannabis, its seeds and its medicinal properties. This plant is distinguished from recreational cannabis (Cannabis Indica) by the absence of psychotropic substances, which rules out any classification as a drug. Its robustness allows it to grow rapidly in a variety of climates and soil types without the need for heavy irrigation, chemical fertilisers or pesticides. Hemp also plays a beneficial role in regeneration soil conservation, the fight againsterosionand stands out for its ability to absorb CO2 and store carbon in its fibres.

La laine de chanvre ou fibre de chanvre est obtenue à partir de la tige de la plante.

Origin and characteristics of hemp

Hemp is composed of rod (fibre and chenevotte), the seed (oil and cake) and the leaf (active ingredients). For theinsulationThe fibre from the stem is mainly used in the form of hemp wool or transformed into hemp insulation panels for a variety of insulation applications. Originally from Central Asia, hemp has been cultivated for over 10,000 years. It found its way to Europe, Africa and America through its use in rope manufacture, textilespaper, oils, medicines and building materials.

Ecological benefits and sustainability of hemp

L'insulation en chanvre offre des environmental benefits significant. As a material renewable, biodegradable and recyclableHemp regenerates quickly. Its production process is energy-efficient, involving minimal processing and transport, giving it a low, even negative, carbon footprint. Hemp does not release any substances toxic, et agit naturellement comme un fungicidean antibacterial and insect repellent. It helps to regulate humidity et la température intérieures, ce qui assure un confort thermique et acoustique optimal.

The benefits of hemp insulation for your home

Opting for hemp insulation brings a host of advantages to your home, from superior thermal performance to acoustic benefits, not to mention its role in promoting a healthy environment. healthy. Let's explore these benefits in more detail.

Thermal performance and comfort in summer and winter

feet with socks, thermal insulation

L'isolation en chanvre est un choix judicieux pour réduire significativement les heat lossesr during the winter and maintain a comfortable temperature during the summer. Thanks to its large capacity thermalHemp is capable of storing heat and then gradually releasing it. Its low thermal conductivity makes it an excellent insulator. heat insulation.

The thermal conductivity coefficient (lambda) of insulating hemp is 0.040 W/m.K, which puts it on a par with (or even better than) glass or rock wool. By choosing hemp as an insulator, you'll save energy savings emissions and help reduce greenhouse gases.

This insulation guarantees thermal comfort by eliminating unpleasant sensations of cold or heat and stabilising interior temperatures.

man covering his ears with his hands because of noise

Acoustic properties and impact on quality of life

Hemp is also distinguished by its acoustic properties exceptional. It considerably improves quality of life in the home. It is effective for absorb sound and reduce noise pollutionwhether external or internal.

Hemp offers protection against ambient noise (such as road traffic and neighbours) as well as against noises impact (such as footsteps and shocks). Hemp offers acoustic insulation which can exceed 40 dB. This would outperform the average insulation material.

By reducing noise, hemp encourages calm and tranquillity, essential for a restorative sleepr, better concentration and general well-being.

Contributing to healthy living: moisture regulation and indoor air quality

As well as its thermal and acoustic benefits, hemp insulation plays a key role in creating a warm and welcoming home. healthy habitat. As a material hygroscopicHemp is able to regulate humidity by absorbing excess water and releasing it as required.

This property helps to prevent condensation and mouldwhile preserving indoor air quality. Hemp is naturally free of harmful substances and allergens. So it provides a healthy environment for its occupants and for the planet.

As we have seen, hemp is also fungicidal, antibacterial and repels insects. It contains no irritating fibres, no dust or volatile particles. Hemp is therefore beneficial both for the health of residents and for the environment.


In conclusion, hemp insulation is an ecological, effective and sustainable solution for improving the energy efficiency of your home. thermal comfort and acoustics of your home while contributing to a healthy environment. By choosing this natural materialYou're taking a step towards a home that's more respectful of the planet and beneficial to your well-being. Are you ready to transform your home into a haven of peace? eco-responsible.

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Discover our edible hemp range and our range of CBD oils. Organic hemp grown in Belgium.

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